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Plenary of the Court

The Plenary

The Plenary of the Court (the Plenary) is the supervisory and controlling body of the Court of Arbitration of Madrid. Its tasks include approving the strategic lines of action, reviewing activities on an annual basis, appointing members of the Appointment Committee and the Challenge Committee, and approving the internal regulations of the institution.

The Plenary meets at least twice a year, in the first and fourth quarters of the year.
The Plenary is made up of representatives from the business world and prestigious professionals from the legal world of arbitration, combining the business vision with the guidelines of the professional arbitration world.

The members of the Plenary

Urquiola de Palacio del Valle de Lersundi

Urquiola de Palacio del Valle de Lersundi



Ángel Asensio

President of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid

Alfonso Calderón

Alfonso Calderón

Managing Director of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid.

Miguel Garrido de la Cierva

Miguel Garrido de la Cierva

Secretary General of the Madrid Business Confederation CEOE (CEIM).

Antonio Fernández de Buján

Antonio Fernández de Buján

Professor of Roman Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Maria José Menéndez

Maria José Menéndez

Partner and Head of Corporate Operations of Ashurst in Continental Europe, Middle East and

Félix J.Montero

Félix J. Montero

Partner of Pérez-Llorca.

Marta Lalaguna Holzwarth

Marta Lalaguna Holzwarth

Secretary General of the Madrid Court of Arbitration.


The Plenary also has a Select Committee, chaired by the President of the Court and made up of members of the Plenary appointed from among representatives of the legal world, on the basis of their prestige, knowledge and experience in commercial arbitration At present, these members of the Plenary are:

The Select Committee performs the duties assigned to it by the Plenary. As provided for in the Rules for the distribution of powers among the organs of the Court, it must be consulted by the Secretary General before adopting certain particularly relevant technical decisions.

Antonio Fernández de Buján

Antonio Fernández de Buján

Professor of Roman Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Maria José Menéndez

Maria José Menéndez

Partner and Head of Corporate Operations of Ashurst in Continental Europe, Middle East and

Félix J.Montero

Félix J. Montero

Partner of Pérez-Llorca.

Court Statistics

As part of the Court’s policy of transparency statistics are published with data on the matters subject to arbitration, the duration of the proceedings, the proportion of international and domestic arbitrations and the appointments of arbitrators by the Court, differentiating between men and women since 2009.